About the Download

Product Description

WooCommerce Brands Extension is a powerful alternative system for categories in woocommerce gives you more flexibility over default taxonomies. With use of this extension you can create as many brands as possible, can also create sub brands and than list all of them the way you want. An example is if you have lifestyle store and you want categories of products like shirts, t shirts which are further classified as per sizes and brands. Categories alone will not be sufficient to describe them whole store. But with combination of categories and WooCommerce Brands you can classify most of the complicated stores.
WooCommerce Brands Extension comes with many shortcodes to give you capability to list brands in various unique way. All brands can also be assigned specific images which can also be called in shortcodes. WooCommerce default category has some restrictions and to mess around how they appear on your archives page needs technical knowledge and experience.

WooCommerce Brands is packed with shortcodes and widget

Alternatively you can use brands extension and then using shortcodes display them on various pages. This utility is mainly useful for bid stores selling multiple brand items and categories are not enough to describe them better. You can also combine categories with Brands and create your unique navigation for your store which is simple.

WooCommerce Brands Extension also comes with navigation widget which is a bonus. So you can always include list of your brands in sidebar, footer or widgetized area of your website.

Brands for WooCommerce: Frequently Asked Questions

Is this plugin compatible with other WooCommerce extensions?

Yes! This plugin is very simple and lean extension. Hence you can use with almost all kind of other plugins. Basically it creates custom categories called Brands and gives you flexibility to select different categories and brands together. It will also give you brand pages like category pages and hence you can display all your products in a brand similar to categories display.

How it is different than WooCommerce product categories?

Functionality of plugin is similar to product categories. But it will add separate Brand menu and brand box on product editor dashboard. So along with categories, you can select brands as well. Other advantage of using brands is that you have now different mechanism to filter your product. Hence your customers will reach to desired product faster and with just few clicks.

What are the different shortcodes included with plugin?

WooCOmmerce Brands is packed with many useful plugins. Below is a basic list of shortcodes you can use

A-Z Brands display shortcode
Product display shortcode with alignment, number per row aray
Display Brand image shortcode
Product brand thumbnail

WooCommerce Brands Plugin: Key Features at glance

Creat a separate tagging system/ category system for your product
Give brand thumbnail, description and seo features
Exactly similar interface as categories
Easy to use shortcodes for list of brands, product lists etc.
Display thumbnails of brand using a shortcode and take advantage of brand reputation
Dedicated sidebar widget and layered navigation widget

Current version:1.6.65
Last updated:2024-03-12