About the Download

WooCommerce USA ePay allows you to process payments directly on your site at checkout via USA ePay’s payment processing services. A USA ePay account is required to use this plugin.

Gateway Mode Comparison

Merchants who previously used this plugin with USA ePay’s payment processing will use the legacy payment gateway mode by default. New installs will not see this legacy mode, as it should not be used.

For existing merchants, you can “switch” to the new USA ePay payment method, which adds tons of new features, such as refunds, voids, payment captures, and more.

Once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to switch over to the newer gateway mode from the Plugins menu by clicking “Use the USA ePay gateway”, and then re-enter your settings to use the newer features.

Current version:2.2.0
Last updated:2020-08-05